How to study & learn

I have always wanted to understand the best way to study. All my life, I have been taught to study by reading the book five or six times until I thought I could explain the topic in my own words, which led to good grades in university but poor long-term memory.

I decided to read a bunch of papers and books on how to study and write some practical tips to remember what I learned:

Practical tips

  1. Study for half an hour to an hour with a 10-minute break.
  2. Focus on one thing at a time and limit distractions. If the environment becomes too noisy, you can listen to music to help you concentrate.
  3. Learn concepts and memorize facts. Facts will be forgotten as a natural process. Concepts and their function should be understood.
  4. Answer short open-ended questions after reading a material to increase retention.
  5. If you get stuck on a concept, try to give a break or skip the topic to save mental energy since focus is a resource.
  6. Teach other people about the material. This will help you identify gaps in your knowledge and focus on parts you need help understanding.
  7. Study is challenging. Avoid studying what you already know.
  8. Realize the difference between recognition and recollection.
  9. TAKE Notes! Your brain is not a Hard Drive. 
  10. Have a good night’s sleep to create permanent memories.

Be water my friend

The tips I’ve shared can serve as a foundation, but don’t be afraid to break some rules. Sometimes, I feel motivated and I study for 2 to 4 hours straight, which also leads to some good results. Experiment, adapt, and find what keeps you engaged and helps you retain information effectively. Happy studying!